Everyone, go to the polls!
Poster Number: PP 858
Category: Events
Poster Notes: Poster calls on citizens to vote in 1950 for candidates of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR; (On banner) "The Latvian SSR..." [obscured text]; (On calendar) February 16th.
Media Size: Please inquire
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c. 1950
Editorial Information: Editor S. Gelbergs
Technical Information on Poster: Publication No. 338; [Printer] Order No. 218; Price 1 ruble 50 kopeks.
Print Run: 10,000
Glavlit Directory Number: Ia T 08057
Catalog Notes: PP 858 Events b; Sister poster PP 503
USSR Region: Latvian SSR
Language: Latvian
Artist: Ozerovi — Озеров
Printer: 1st Lithography Workshop of the Latvian Poligraf Trust, Riga [Lativa] —
Publisher: Latgosizdat (Latvian State Publishing House) — Латгосиздат (Латвийское государственное издательство)
Until World War II, Latvia had thriving publishing and printing industries. Between Soviet annexation in 1940 and the German occupation in 1941, Lativa's position as a European publishing hub drastically changed. Around 1940 Lativa's largest publisher, Liesma (Flame), was nationalized during Soviet annexation. The publisher became VAPP (Department of State Book Publishers and Polygraphic Enterprises) and was controlled as a state-run entity. From 1946-1964, VAPP was named Latgosizdat and in 1965, the publisher was re-named Liesma. It specialized in ...
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