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Poster Number: PP 1198
Category: Communist Culture
Poster Notes: Poster is in Russian with an unidentified language that is likely Turkmen; MOPR (Международная организация помощи борцам революции) was the International Organization for assistance to Fighters for the Revolution.
Media Size: 30.5x24
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1927
Technical Information on Poster: Poster No. 21; Price 20 kopeks
Print Run: 3,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 82963
Catalog Notes: PP 1198 Communist Culture c
USSR Region: Turkmen SSR
Language: Turkmen
Additional Languages: Russian
Artist: Pimenov, Iurii (Georgii) Ivanovich — Пименов, Юрий (Георгий) Иванович
Iurii Ivanovich Pimenov worked in the fields of painting, set design and graphic design throughout his career. He studied at VKHUTEMAS (Higher Art and Technical Workshops) in Moscow from 1920 to 1925. Pimenov was a founding member of OST (Obshchestvo khudozhnikov-stankovistov), the Society of Easel Artists that was formed in 1924. The Society had three inner groups: Projectionism, Concretivism, and the Group of Three (that contained Pimenov). When OST was terminated, he became a member of IzoBrigada (Art ...
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Artist: Illegible Initials — Инициалы Неразборчивы
Printer: Tsentrizdat (Central Publishing House of the Peoples of the USSR) — Центриздат (Центральное издательство народов СССР)
Tsentrizdat was established in 1924 to consolidate East and West publishing divisions into one entity. With a focus on literature, political, scientific and educational information in the national languages of the USSR, it had offices throughout the Soviet republics and autonomous regions. Its printing house was located in Moscow along Shliuzovaia Naberezhnaia (Gateway Embankment, i.e. Gateway Passage). Tsentrizdat was dissolved in 1931 when the USSR centralized its printing and publishing industries.
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Publisher: MOPR (International Organization for Aid to the Fighters of the Revolution) — МОПР
The International Organization for Aid to the Fighters of the Revolution (Mezhdunarodnaia Organizatsiia Pomoshchi Revoliutsioneram, MOPR) was popularly known as International Red Aid. It was a subsidiary of the Communist International and had offices around the world. In the U.S., MOPR operated under the name International Labor Defense (ILD). The ILD formed in Chicago in 1925 and was associated with the Workers' party. In 1947, the ILD merged with the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties forming ...
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