Resume of the Soviet Army. This resume gives glory to the beloved army. But at the top of this list there are vacant positions. Sergei Michalkov
Poster Number: PP 581
Category: Military
Poster Notes: Poster indicates the publisher was awarded a "Red Banner of Labor". This award was given to citizens and institutions, including factories, for accomplishment in labor, the civil service, literature and the arts and sciences.
Media Size: 39х28.5
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1968
Editorial Information: Editor G. I. Katasonov; Art Editor V. V. Sorokin
Technical Information on Poster: Approved for printing September 17, 1968; Paper format 70 x 90/1; Order No. 2288; Index 8-2-2
Print Run: 40,000
Glavlit Directory Number: G57427
Catalog Notes: PP 581 Military c
Artist: Abramov, Mark Aleksandrovich — Абрамов, Марк Александрович
Born in Ukraine when it was part of the Russian Empire, Mark Aleksandrovich Abramov studied at the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute (MISI) from 1931 to 1936. Along with his brother, he published cartoons under the pseudonym Moa and they appeared in periodicals such as Ateist [Atheist], Rabochaia Moskva [Working Moscow] and Bezbozhnik [The Godless]. In 1932, his drawings appeared under his name in magazines and newspapers including, Krokodil [Crocodile], Znamia [Banner] and Sovetskaia Zhenshchina [Soviet Woman]....
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Artist: Dobrovol'skii, Vladimir Petrovich — Добровольский, Владимир Петрович
Vladimir Petrovich Dobrovol'skii was born in the Irkutsk Oblast in the town of Usolye-Sibirskoye located on the Angara River. Although he was never formally educated in art it was at an early age that he showed talent. From the 1930s until the 1970s, Dobrovol'skii contributed political caricature illustrations for the newspapers "Pravda" (Truth), "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (Komsomol Truth), "Izvestiya" (News), "Sovetskaya Rossiya" (Soviet Russia) in addition to the ...
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Printer: Offset Printing Plant of the UVI MO, [Moscow] — Фабрика офсетной печати УВИ МО, [Москва]
The Offset Printing Plant of the UVI (Department of Military Publishing) and MO (Ministry of Defense) was based in Moscow. While the UVI MO had its own publishing and printing sections; its printing plant also handled the literature output of Voenizdat (Military Publishers) of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.
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Publisher: Voenizdat (Military Publishers) — Воениздат
Voenizdat (Military Publishers) was the Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (voennoe izdatelstvo). Established in Moscow in 1919; Voenizdat published literature for the defense industry such as technical manuals and dictionaries. It also published posters, pamphlets and fiction and non-fiction literature frequently containing military themes. Voenizdat's predecessor was Litizdat, the publishing arm of the Revolutionary Military Soviet.
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