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1914-1918. 10,000,000 died for what?

Poster Number: PP 975
Poster Notes:

[On the signs]: 4 million people made invalids 10 million killed or died from wounds -- 
68 million total people mobilized for the war.
Value of national wealth of the main belligerent powers: 1.2 trillion rubles -- 500 billion rubles expended on the war.

Media Size: 45x30.5
Poster Type: Lithograph and Offset
Publishing Date: 1929
Technical Information on Poster: Publication No. 32732 R31; Rabochee Delo Telephone 2-04-85 and 4-90-69; Price 40 kopeks
Glavlit Directory Number: A 41329
Catalog Notes: PP 975 Communist Culture b
Artist: Kotov, Nikolai Georgievich — Котов, Николай Георгиевич
Printer: Mospoligraf (Moscow Polygraphic), Moscow — Мосполиграф, Москва
Mospoligraf was a state-owned printing trust located in Moscow. When the Soviet Union formulated a plan in 1921 to consolidate the nation’s largest and best printing operators into state-owned trusts; Mospoligraf was organized in 1922 to carry out consolidation of the Moscow printing industry. With a staff of over two thousand, Mospoligraf was the second-largest printing trust organized in Moscow outside of the Mospechat’ trust, and it oversaw a myriad of houses under local printing sections such...
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Publisher: State Publishing House — Государственный издательство
The State Publishing House had its origins in Imperial Russia as the Royal Print Yard of St. Petersburg. In 1917, the Soviets nationalized the print yard and requisitioned its presses. From requisitioning emerged the Publishing House of the Petrograd Soviet that was formed in the winter of 1917 by the Literary and Publishing Department of People's Commissariat for Education. In 1919, the State Publishing House in St. Petersburg changed its name to Petrogosizdat (Petrograd State Publishing) and in 1924, ...
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