Demobilized soldiers! The homeland is calling you to the settling of the untold wealth of Siberia, the Far East, and the Far North!
Poster Number: PP 1135
Category: Military
Media Size: 24x20
Poster Type: Lithograph and Offset
Publishing Date: 1956
Editorial Information: Editor A.I. Tapasov
Technical Information on Poster: Approved for printing August 9, 1956; Printing No. 2234p; Order No. 1656; Volume [1 sheet of] paper 60x92.5; Price 75 kopeks; Printed by the UVI (Military Information Management Board)
Glavlit Directory Number: G24181
Catalog Notes: PP 1135 Military c
Artist: Koroviakov, Ivan Pavlovich — Коровяков, Иван Павлович
Printer: 7th Typography Workshop of UVI/UVMI — 7-я типография УВИ УВМИ
The 7th Typography Workshop was a contract printer for the UVI (Department of Military Publishing) and UVMI (Department of Naval Publications). The printer typically handled the literature output of Voenizdat (Military Publishers) of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR.
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Publisher: Voenizdat (Military Publishers) — Воениздат
Voenizdat (Military Publishers) was the Military Publishing House of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR (voennoe izdatelstvo). Established in Moscow in 1919; Voenizdat published literature for the defense industry such as technical manuals and dictionaries. It also published posters, pamphlets and fiction and non-fiction literature frequently containing military themes. Voenizdat's predecessor was Litizdat, the publishing arm of the Revolutionary Military Soviet.
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