[Upper panel] RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) Workers of all Countries, Unite! [Lower panel] Workers of all Countries, Unite! [Partial translation]
Poster Number: PP 132
Category: Revolution
Poster Notes: Poster is in Tatar and Russian languages, should you know the English translation of the text written in Tatar, please email the webmaster. (Labels on men in upper panel) Baron Rangel, Bourgeois, the Entente, Zhoffr [Marshall Joffre]; (Labels in lower panel) Baron Rangel, Bourgeois, the Entente.
Media Size: 36x28
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: c.1920
Catalog Notes: PP 132 Revolution b
Language: Tatar
Additional Languages: Russian
Artist: Kogout, Nikolai Nikolaevich — Когоут, Николай Николаевич
Nikolai Nikolaevich Kogout was one of the preeminent artists of the poster genre during Russia's early revolutionary period. In 1913, Kogout graduated from the Stroganov Central School of Industrial Art in Moscow and subsequently attended VKhUTEMAS [Higher Art and Technical Studios]. He contributed works to the seventh exhibition of the art group L'Araignée and exhibited at Galerie Devambe in Paris in 1925. During the Russian Civil War, Kogout designed posters from 1918 to 1920 for Revvoensovet, the propaganda d...
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Printer: MGSNKh Typo-lithography Workshop, Moscow — Типо-литография МГСНХ, Москва
MGSNKh (Moscow City Council of National Economy) was formed in 1918. It municipalized hundreds of local printing enterprises during the Russian Civil War when hoarding of ink, paper and production equipment was prevalent. For its own printing needs, the MGSNKh took over several printing houses such as the 2nd Typography Workshop, the 3rd State Typolithography Workshop (formerly owned by Ivan Kushnerev) and the 15th Lithographic Workshop formerly under the ownership of Ivan Mashistov.
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Publisher: Litizdat (Literary and Publishing Department of the Political Directorate of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic) — Литиздат (Литературно-издательский отдел политического управления РВСР)
Litizdat (Literaturno-izdatel'skii otdel politicheskogo upravleniia RVSR) was established in June 1919 by order of the Department of the Political Directorate (PUR) of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (RVSR). A formal decree approved its existence in October that year. Due to the hierarchy of Litizdat's formation, its title is often abbreviated as Litizdat PUR RVSR on publications it issued. As the main publishing arm for the Red Army and the Red Navy, Litizdat distributed a ...
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