The Red Front lives. The Red Front will win throughout the whole world.
Poster Number: PP 379
Category: Military
Poster Notes: The Red Front, or in the German variant "Rot Front" (Roter Frontkämpferbund), was founded in Germany by Willy Leow and Ernst Thälmann. The two men are pictured on this poster wearing khaki-colored paramilitary uniforms. Leow fled to the Soviet Union in the 1930s and was subsequently arrested and executed in the 1930s. Thälmann remained in Germany to lead the Communist Party but he was arrested in 1933 by the Nazi government and sent to Buchenwald concentration camp. He died there in 1944; [On flag] Long live the victorious arriving proletariat revolution.
Media Size: 38.5x26
Poster Type: Lithograph and Offset
Publishing Date: 1932
Editorial Information: Editor K.P. Bul'din; Text Editor A.M. Rosenberg
Technical Information on Poster: Submitted for printing September 15, 1932 and approved for printing October 31, 1932; Paper 62 x 88; 1- 1-56 Mistetstvo, Kharkov 359/328; (1916…illegible); Order No. 1547
Print Run: 10,000
Glavlit Directory Number: 7701
Catalog Notes: PP 379 Military
USSR Region: Ukrainian SSR
Language: Ukrainian
Artist: Martiniuk, P.S. — Мартинюк, П.С.
Printer: UPP DVOU (Printing Industry Management/State Publishing Association of Ukraine) — УПП ГПОУ (Управление полиграф предприятиями/Государственное издательское объединение Украины)
The UPP (Printing Industry Management) managed the printers in cities around the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic carrying out jobs for the DVOU (State Publishing Association of Ukraine). In 1930, a resolution by the Ukrainian Central Committee created the DVOU making it the central administration for publications and literature distribution in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. The DVOU replaced the DVU (State Publishing of Ukraine) that had been in existence since 1922.
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Publisher: Mistetstvo (Art Publishing House), Ukrainian SSR — Мистецтво (Искусство издательство Госкомиздата УССР)
Mistetstvo (Art Publishing House) was founded in Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR) between 1932-'34. It moved to Kiev in 1935. The publisher's chief output comprised of posters, portraits, artistic monographs and sheet music.
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