The spring air is filled with happiness, the rustling of the flags so proud and so free. May 1 arrives with new victories, and a glorious crown adorns our lives.
Poster Number: PP 606
Category: Events
Media Size: 44.5x35
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1948
Editorial Information: Editor R. Jansons
Technical Information on Poster: Publication No 8648; Order No. 1539; Paper format 84 x 108; Price 2 rubles.
Print Run: 5,000
Glavlit Directory Number: JT 07312
Catalog Notes: PP 606 Events
USSR Region: Latvian SSR
Language: Latvian
Artist: Valdman, Voldemar Ianovich (Valdmanis, Voldemārs) — Валдман, Вольдемар Янович
Printer: LPT Typography, Riga —
Publisher: Publisher not indicated —