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// ГОСПЛАНИЗДАТ // Государственное издательство Госплана // Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo Gosplana // Gosplan State Publishing House //
A.K.A. // Государственное издательство плановой и учетно-статистической литературы Госплана // Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo planovoi i uchetno-statisticheskoi literatury Gosplana // Gosplan State Publishing House of Planning and Accounting-Statistical Literature
// Государственное плановое издательство // Gosudarstvennoe planovoe izdatel'stvo // State Planning Publishing House
// Государственное издательство экономической, плановой и учетно-статистической литературы // Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo economicheskoi, planovoi i uchetno-statisticheskoi literatury // State Publishing House of Economic, Planning and Accounting-Statistical Literature

In 1921, the Council of People's Commissars of Soviet Russia established Gosplan-- the state planning commission. Gosplan instituted and operated a unified program for the Soviet economy that in turn coordinated various state-run economic departments. Gosplan had a central committee that handled the nation's economy and the economic objectives of the Communist Party. Every five years, Gosplan helped develop the nation's economic goals. Gosplan also had its own publishing department. Based on the numerous definitions of the portmanteau term above; Gosplan's publishing arm was referred to over the years as: Gosplan State Publishing House (1938-1939); Gosplan State Publishing House of Planning and Accounting-Statistical Literature (1939-1946); State Planning Publishing House (1946-1948) and, the State Publishing House of Economic, Planning and Accounting-Statistical Literature (1948-1951).