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Gromitskii, Iosif Ivanovich

Громицкий, Иосиф Иванович

Born 1904 Starosel'tsev (Belarus), Russian Empire; died 1991, Moscow

Iosif Ivanovich Gromitskii was born in a part of the Russian Empire that is today the country of Belarus. For the majority of his adult life, he lived and worked in Moscow. From 1923 to 1930, Gromitskii studied at VKhUTEIN (Higher Art and Technical Institute) under the tutelage of Dimitri Moor, a prolific poster artist. For his diploma work, he created illustrations for Victor Hugo's book, Gavroche. Around 1930, the artist began working as a poster designer, and in 1932, he began to publicly exhibit his work.

During World War II, Iosif Gromitskii designed posters for the war effort. In the post-war era, the artist continued to work in the field of poster design, and he began a long-time collaboration with Izogiz, the State Art Publishing House. Gromitskii took part in Republican, All-Union and Moscow-based exhibitions including: The Poster in the Service of The Five-Year Plan (1932, Moscow), Poster and Satire: 40 Years of Moscow Artists' Works (1958, Moscow), and the exhibit, 50 Years of the Soviet Political Poster (1967, Moscow). Gromitskii was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and a member of the Association of Workers of the Revolutionary Poster (ORRP). He also was a member of OMAKhR (United Youth Association of Artists of the Revolution) and A.Kh.R. (Association of Artists of the Revolution).

Sources & Citations

Demosfenova, G., et al. (1962). Sovetskii politicheskii plakat. Moscow: Iskusstvo. (p. 430)
Koretsky, V.B. (1958). Zapiski plakatista. Moskva: Sovetskii khudozhnik. (pp. 49, 118) (bio, Gromitskii) (bio, Gromitskii) (bio, Gromitskii)
Baburina, N. I. (1988). The Soviet Political Poster, 1917-1980. New York: Penguin. (bio, artist)