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Pernikov, Efim Ivanovich

Перников, Ефим Иванович

Born 1903, Minsk, Russian Empire; died 1966, location unknown, presumably Moscow, USSR

Efim Ivanovich Pernikov is associated with the art of constructivism during the late Imperial Russia era and in the early Soviet era. Pernikov graduated from a technical school in the early 1920s and went on to graduate in 1930 from VKhUTEIN (Higher State Artistic and Technical Institute) in Moscow where he was enrolled in the printing department. While Pernikov initially worked in advertising, the field served as his introduction to professional poster design. While working with the State Publishing House of the USSR, the artist created cover art for magazines such as “Pioneer” and “Behind the Wheel”. He also designed children's books such as: “Big Game” and “Eighteen Cities” (both 1931), and “How a machine plays with cubes" (1963). Efim Pernikov participated in the design of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV) in Moscow. His artwork was exhibited in international exhibitions from 1938 to 1941.

During World War II, Efim Pernikov served as a combat correspondent and was engaged in the design of military leaflets and posters. During his service he was wounded. After the war, he worked in various Moscow publishing houses where he designed books, catalogs, and monograph albums. His book illustrations include the works of Mikhail Koltsov, Alexei Tolstoi, Alexei Garri and Lev Kassil, and the book “Icy Nights” (1934), a rescue account of the Soviet icebreaker ship Malygin that ran aground near Norway.

Some of Pernikov's poster titles from the 1930s include: “Friendship between the peoples of the USSR is growing and strengthening. —J.V. Stalin”; “Soviet peasantry votes for Bolshevik collective farms for a prosperous life in the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR” (with artist Vladimir Gruntal’); “Defense of the fatherland is the sacred duty of every citizen of the USSR”; “Stalin’s Constitution ensures the right to a happy old age. Article 120”; “Stalin’s Constitution ensures the right of workers to rest. Article No. 6”. In addition, the artist designed “From rocket to jet plane” (1948), and “Russians discovered Antarctica. 1819–1821” (1949). Efim Ivanovich Pernikov was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

Sources & Citations (Pernikov designs cited) (Pernikov design cited) (Prnikov design cited) (Za Rulem Behind the Wheel, cited) (bio)