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Zhukov, Boris Samoilovich

Жуков, Борис Самойлович

Born December 2, 1906, Kyzyl-Arvat (Gyzylarbat), Russian Turkestan; died 1987, USSR

Boris Samoilovich Zhukov was a Soviet graphic artist and caricaturist. From 1927 to 1931 Zhukov studied at VKhUTEIN (Higher Art and Technical Institute) and the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. Thereafter, he ventured into the profession of graphic design illustrating and designing books for the State Publishing House of the Uzbek SSR. He also developed caricature illustrations for the newspapers Pravda Vostoka (Truth of the East), Kyzyl Uzbekiston (Red Uzbekistan), and for the Uzbek magazine Mushtuk (Fist). During the Second World War, the artist designed propaganda posters for the war effort with some of them being developed in collaboration with the artist Iksander Ikramov. In the post-war years, Zhukov focused his work primarily in the field of propaganda arts. To this end, he became a noted poster designer. In 1963, a personal exhibition of Boris Zhukov's works was held in Tashkent. He was a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, and in 1969, Zhukov was bestowed the title of Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR.

Sources & Citations

Zagianskaia, G. A., & Levitin, Ye. S. (Eds.). (1991). Favorskii, V.A. Vospominaniia sovremennikov. Pis'ma khudozhnika. Stenogrammy vystuplenii. Moscow: Izd. Kniga. (bio) (date and place of birth)