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Only children of capitalists were admitted to bourgeois schools… They and only they always had their tasty breakfast. The United School of Labor has opened wide its doors to all little citizens of Soviet Russia. [Partial translation]

Poster Number: PP 788
Media Size: 29x25
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1920
Technical Information on Poster: December, 1920. Order No. 7.6.30. RVTs (Passed by Military Censor)
Sources & Citation: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B.S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 482, poster 3225
Catalog Notes: PP 788 Education & Literacy
Artist: Eltyshev, Leonid Andreevich — Елтышев, Леонид Андреевич
Leonid Andreevich Eltyshev began his artistic studies under the tutelage of the Russian artist, Leonid Nikitich Zhukov. Eltyshev later took-up scholastic training in art and he graduated from the Ekaterinburg School of Arts and Crafts. For the majority of his life, the artist lived and worked in Ekaterinburg. Leonid Eltyshev is chiefly known as an artist of decorative and monumental art; however, he was engaged in painting, and to a limited degree, he worked in ...
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Printer: 1st Ural State Lithography Workshop, Ekaterinburg — 1-я Уральская Государственная Литография, Екатеринбург
The 1st Ural State Lithography was located in Ekaterinburg, a city east of Moscow. In 1924 Ekaterinburg was re-named Sverdlovsk in honor of Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov (1885-1919) who lived in the city prior to the Russian Revolution. Sverdlov was the Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of Soviets from 1917 to 1919.
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Publisher: State Publishing House, Ekaterinburg — Государственное издательство, Екатеринбург
The State Publishing House had its origins in Imperial Russia as the Royal Print Yard in St. Petersburg. As the Red Army increased its control over the provinces and cities in former Imperial Russia, the State Publishing House developed offices outside St. Petersburg. Ekaterinburg is located east of the Ural Mountains and it was a center for revolutionary activity in the Urals before and during the Russian Civil War. In 1924 the city was named Sverdlovsk ...
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