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Remember Kolkhoznik! [Pending translation (Без Перевода)]

Poster Number: PP 647
Category: Agriculture
Poster Notes: Kolkhozniks were collective farm workers of a higher social status in the Soviet agriculture industry. They also handled the farm's management. Kolkhoznik is a portmanteau of kolkhoz (kollektivnoe khoziaistvo, i.e. collective farm) and nik, a suffix for a person connected to something or to an action. The Soviet Kolkhoz somewhat paralleled the Tsarist-era obshchina (peasant community) but its workers were paid directly by the farm. Kolkhozniks did not hold salaried positions; instead they received earnings per number of days worked, and they were given a plot of land to trade back its yield to the state at regulated prices. Working under a system of brigades and units, a Kolkhoznik lived on the farm where they worked, and they could not easily leave and change jobs; [Written on silo] "Silage".
Media Size: 44x31
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1931
Technical Information on Poster: [Approved for printing] August 23, 1931
Glavlit Directory Number: [number illegible] Mosoblit, Moscow regional section of Glavlit
Sources & Citation: Fitzpatrick, S. (1994). Stalin's Peasants: Resistance and Survival in the Russian Village After Collectivization. New York: Oxford University Press. (PP. 111 to 112, kolkhoznik and kolkhoz explained); (notes Vostokkino operated 1929-1935)
Catalog Notes: PP 647 Agriculture (framed)
Language: Chuvash
Artist: Artist Unknown — неизвестный художник
The artist's name on the poster is not indicated. By assigning Artist Unknown to a poster it also could mean the artist used a chop mark whereby no signature is seen thus rendering the artist's identity anonymous.
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Printer: Mospoligraf (Moscow Polygraphic), Moscow — Мосполиграф, Москва
Mospoligraf was a state-owned printing trust located in Moscow. When the Soviet Union formulated a plan in 1921 to consolidate the nation’s largest and best printing operators into state-owned trusts; Mospoligraf was organized in 1922 to carry out consolidation of the Moscow printing industry. With a staff of over two thousand, Mospoligraf was the second-largest printing trust organized in Moscow outside of the Mospechat’ trust, and it oversaw a myriad of houses under local printing sections such...
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Publisher: Vostokkino (Eastern Cimema) — Востоккино
Vostokkino was a trust formed in 1926 out of three film companies, Tatkino, Nemkino and Chuvashkino. Vostokkino produced and exhibited movies in the regions of Central Asia and Siberia, and it handled motion picture marketing of films under its banner. While it did not typically produce political posters, the entity did publish books and newspapers about cinema. The idea behind Vostokkino was to develop social and political relationships between the Soviet East and the Soviet West. ...
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