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AIZ (Association of Inventors) Lithography, Moscow

Литография «АИЗ» Ассоциации изобретателей, Москва

The Association of Inventors (Assotsiatsii izobretatelei) -- abbreviated AIZ -- was formed in 1921 in Moscow. By 1978, it had a reported nine million members in its ranks. The association is also cited in publications as the All-Union Society of Inventors and Rationalizers, (VIOR).

Sources & Citations

Feldbrugge, F. J. M.; Berg, G. P. ; Simons, W. B. (1985). Encyclopedia of Soviet law. Dordrecht: Nijhoff. (P. 704, Society of Inventors and Rationalizers, cited)
Alʹtshuller, G. S. (1984). Creativity as an exact science: The theory of solution of inventive problems. New York: Gordon and Breach. (VOIR mentioned)
Alekseev, G. M. (1983). Dvizhenie izobretatelei i ratsionalizatorov v SSSR, 1917-1982. Moskva: Myslʹ. (P. 78, mention of AIZ)
Bailes, K. (1978). Technology and Society Under Lenin and Stalin: Origins of the Soviet Technical Intelligentsia, 1917-1941. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (Work consulted)
Zilmanovich, D. Ia. (1966). Pioner sovetskogo paketostroeniia: F.A. Tsander. Moskva: Voennoe Izdatel'svo Ministerstva Oborony SSSR. (PP. 24-25 creation of AIZ)
Library of Congress. (1963). Soviet-Russian scientific and technical terms: A selective list. Washington: Aerospace Information Division. (P. 54, All-Russian Association of Inventors (BAIZ), cited)