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Lidová knihtiskárna (People’s Book Printing House), Prague [Czechoslovakia]

Издательство и типография народное книгопечатание, прага

The People’s Book Printing House was located in Prague, Czechoslovakia at 7 Hybernská Street and it was owned by the publisher Antonín Němec (1858-1926) who represented the Social Democratic Labor Party in the National Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic. Němec’s publishing and printing operations were located inside the Lidový dům (People’s House) that also served as the headquarters for the Social Democratic Party. Historically, it was inside the People’s House (in 1912) that the split between Russia’s Bolsheviks and Mensheviks took place at the “Prague Conference” with Vladimir Lenin in attendance. During the early 1950s, the People’s House was converted into a museum honoring Lenin. Following the dissolution of the USSR and the Communist Bloc, the museum was dismantled and the Social Democratic Party regained its headquarters in the People’s House.

Sources & Citations

Humphreys, R. & Nollen, T. (2002). Rough Guide to Prague. London: Rough Guides Ltd. (p. 125, People’s House and split of Russia’s Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, cited)
Lane, A.T. (1995). Biographical Dictionary of European Labor Leaders, M-Z, Vol. 2. Westport: Greenwood Press. (p. 690, bio of Antonín Němec) (Lenin Museum founded in 1952)