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Tashkent Lithography No. 1

Литография № 1, Ташкент

The Lithography No. 1 was located in Tashkent, Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic. It was in operation during the 1920s. Little historical information has been documented about the printer. Based on published sources from the USSR during the 1920s to early 1930s, it is possible that Lithography No. 1 was the same printer as the Tashkent-based 1st Tipolithography of the Uzbek Polygraph Publishing Trust.

Sources & Citations

Filatova, M., & Bobrovinkova, V. (2013). Plakat Sovetskogo Vostoka, 1918 1940. Moskva: Izdatelʹskii dom Mardzhani. (1st Tipolithography of Uzpoligraftrest cited)