Exhibition of the History of Revolutionary Struggles. Prague, Liberation Monument, May-August 1949
Poster Number: PP 968
Category: Comecon-Warsaw Pact
Poster Notes: [Background shield] "Do not be daunted by your enemies"; The exhibition mentioned on this poster was likely held at Vítkov Hill in Prague, a spot where before the 1990s, a monument to the Soviet liberation of Czechoslovakia stood.
Media Size: 39.5x26
Poster Type: Offset
Publishing Date: 1949
Sources & Citation: Aulich, J., & Sylvestrová, M. (1999). Political posters in Central and Eastern Europe, 1945-1995: Signs of the times. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Catalog Notes: PP 968 Comecon-Warsaw Pact
Language: Czech
Artist: Cumpelik, Jan (Čumpelík, Jan) — Чумпелика, Яна
In 1947, the American newspaper editor and publisher Leo Lerner characterized Jan Cumpelik as “a powerful contemporary painter”. While Cumpelik was a classically trained artist, by the late 1940s his work was fashioned under the influence of Soviet mandates and similar in tone to art being created by Josef Broz, Alena Čermáková and, other Eastern European contemporaries. Cumpelik received his artistic education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. As a professional, he exhi...
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Printer: Printer not indicated —
Publisher: Melantrich Publishing House — Издательство Мелантрих
Melantrich Publishing (Nakladatelství Melantrich) was founded in the late 1890s as a media outlet of the Czech National Social Party (ČSNS). The publishing firm was named in honor of Jiří Melantrich, a 16th century Czech writer and publisher. After 1948, Melantrich Publishing was nationalized and it was split into three sections. In 1950 the Czechoslovak Socialist Party controlled the publishing house although the state remained its formal owner. Under state control, the house changed its name...
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