![It will not be like this anymore.
[First panel of text]: There lived a capitalist, and henchmen around him - he helped rob honest working people. The first henchman is an official. He wrote laws. According to these laws, he deftly wrote that everything was for the wealthy: land, bread, and all kinds of food, but nothing for the worker. [Partial translation]](https://www.posterplakat.com/content/1-the-collection/posters/0-pp-1172/pp-1172-catalog-image.jpg)
It will not be like this anymore. [First panel of text]: There lived a capitalist, and henchmen around him - he helped rob honest working people. The first henchman is an official. He wrote laws. According to these laws, he deftly wrote that everything was for the wealthy: land, bread, and all kinds of food, but nothing for the worker. [Partial translation]
Poster Number: PP 1172
Category: Civil War
Poster Notes: [Top of poster] "Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. Workers of the world, unite!"; When this poster was issued, VTsIK publishing house was located at 11 Tverskaia Street in Moscow inside a building that formerly housed the German Charitable Foundation during the Russian Imperial era.
Media Size: 32.5x23
Poster Type: Lithograph
Publishing Date: 1919
Sources & Citation: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B. S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 206, poster 627
Catalog Notes: PP 1172 Civil War c
Artist: Cheremnykh, Mikhail Mikhailovich — Черемных, Михаил Михайлович
Mikhail Mikhailovich Cheremnykh is considered a master of Soviet satirical graphics. Born in Siberia, he relocated to Moscow in 1911 to study painting where he subsequently enrolled in MUZhViZ (Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture). By 1919 he established the ROSTA (Russian Telegraph Agency) artist studio in Moscow and served as its artistic director until 1922, when he co-founded the satirical magazine Krokodil (Crocodile). From 1939 to 1941, the artist worked as a book illustrator and as a set ...
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Printer: Printer not indicated —
Publisher: VTsIK (All-Russian Central Executive Committee), Moscow — ВЦИК (Всероссийский Центральный Исполнительный Комитет), Москва
VTsIK (Vserossiyskii Centralny Ispolnitelny Komitet ) was the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Workers', Peasants', Red Army and Cossack Deputies. It was the highest legislative and administrative body of government in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) from 1917 until 1936. Following the reformation of the Soviet Constitution in 1936, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR replaced VTsIK. From a publishing angle, VTsIK disseminated agitational and military literature in addition to official publications. In May 1919, VTsIK ...
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