1944-1954 Honor and glory to the 10th anniversary of the Slovak national uprising.
Poster Number: PP 348
Category: Comecon-Warsaw Pact
Poster Notes: Poster commemorates the ten-year anniversary of the Slovenské národné povstanie (Slovak National Uprising) in August 1944. The machine gun held by the Soviet soldier is the PPSH-41; While no printer was indicated on the poster, its publishing affiliation with UNAF likely connects the piece to Orbis State Publishing.
Media Size: 33x26
Poster Type: Offset
Publishing Date: 1954
Technical Information on Poster: August 1954; Svoboda n.p. [Freedom, public manufacturer]
Glavlit Directory Number: F 15501
Catalog Notes: PP 348 Comecon-Warsaw Pact
Language: Czech
Artist: Lörincz — Лёринц
Printer: Printer not indicated —
Publisher: UAVNF (Central Action Committee of the National Front) Publishers — Центральный Комитет Действия Национального Фронта
ÚAVNF (Ústředního akcního vyboru národní fronty) was the Central Action Committee of the National Front of Czechoslovakia. It was formed in February 1948 by the directive of Klement Gottwald, chairman of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) that was under the chairmanship of Antonín Zápotocký, Prime Minister from 1948 to 1953. Zápotocký later served as the President of Czechoslovakia from 1953 to 1957. The Committee had around 93 members and was completely controlled by...
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