¡Elegiremos como diputados obreros de los Soviets locales a los dignos hijos e hijas de nuestra patria! ¡Las mujeres son la gran fuerza del Estado Soviético!
Número de Cartel: PP 1105
Información sobre el cartel:
The woman wears two high Orders for Labor presumably given for her work during World War II.
In the background, the village building has the sign “Selsovet” indicating it is the office of the rural soviet (council) for the larger governmental system of administration. A red banner in background reads “All to the Polls”.
Tamaño: 34x24.5
Tipo de cartel: Litografía y Offset
Fecha de publicación: 1947
Editores: P. Piskunov
Información técnica: Order No. 3825; Price 1 ruble, 2 kopeks
Ediciones: 75,000
Número de Glavlit: A-10718
En el catologo: PP 1105 Women
Artista: Krivonogov, P. — Кривоногов, П.
Imprenta: Printer not indicated —
Editorial: Iskusstvo (Art Publishing House), Moscow-Leningrad — Искусство, Москва-Ленинград
Iskusstvo was the Art Publishing House (A.K.A. Visual Arts Publishing) that was created in 1936 from Ogiz-Izogiz (State Art and Literature Publishing House). It disseminated books and journals dealing with graphic design and the fine arts, and it issued numerous posters. Since the Iskusstvo banner was part of the State Printing Works in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Moscow, its two main offices were located in those two cities.
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