¡Pobre campesino! Los ciudadanos de Poltava cumplirán con el resto de la cantidad solicitada reducida. La República Obrera y Campesina pone toda su esperanza en ti. Tú puedes sobreponerte a todo para cumplir con los requisitos enviados a Poltava para que los trabajadores de la ciudad no se mueran de hambre. ¡Atrapa al kulak por el cuello! ¡Que nos dé el excedente que está escondiendo, no dejes que su pan se pudra bajo la tierra mientras los trabajadores se están muriendo de hambre!
Número de Cartel: PP 421
Información sobre el cartel: Poster is in Ukrainian language; [Top of poster] Workers of all countries unite!; [On the table] "Requisition"; This poster was made for the Komnezamozh (Poor Peasant Committee) to raise money for famine in the Volga river region during the civil war.
Tamaño: 24.5x22
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1920
Información técnica: RVTs (Passed by Military Censor), No. 564. Poltava
Ediciones: 2,000
Fuentes: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B.S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 462, poster 3066; Ukrainsʹke radiansʹke obrazotvorche mystetstvo ta arkhitektura: Mystetstvo narodzhene zhovtnem, 1917-1987. (1987). Kyïv: Mystetstvo.
En el catologo: PP 421 Civil War b
Región de la URSS: RSS de Ucrania
Idioma: Ucraniano
Artista: Rozhankivskii, Petr — Рожанкивский, Петр (Рожанковский)
Petr Rozhankivskii worked in Poltava, Ukraine. While limited information is available on the artist, his surname is documented as Rozhankivskii and as Rozhankovskii, depending on the source. It is unknown if he shared a family connection with the Russian émigré illustrator Fedor Rozhankovskii.
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Imprenta: 3rd Soviet Typography Workshop, Poltava — 3-я Советская типография, Полтава
Little information is available on the 3rd Soviet Typography Workshop. It was located in Poltava, Ukraine. The printer's formation is likely tied to the Bolshevik occupation of the city in 1918 during the Ukrainian-Soviet War.
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Editorial: All-Ukrainian State Publishing House — Всеукраинское издательство (Всеукриздат)
All-Ukrainian State Publishing House (Vseukrizdat) was founded in 1919 as the State Publishing House of Ukraine and its formation was based upon a directive by the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee. The publishing house had branches in the cities of Kharkov, Kiev, Volyn', Poltava and other locations in Ukraine. In 1920, the publisher was renamed All-Ukrainian State Publishing and in 1922, the publisher was renamed DVU (Derzhavne vydavnytstvo Ukrainy). DVU became the largest publisher in Soviet Ukraine and the ...
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