¡Seré un obrero metalúrgico! ¡Hombres y mujeres jóvenes! Ayudemos a crear fuertes reservas de trabajadores para el estado soviético. Matricúlate en escuelas de formación profesional, escuelas ferroviarias y la FZO (escuelas de formación de las fábricas).
Número de Cartel: PP 478
Información sobre el cartel: The boy is wearing a mining cadet's school uniform.
Tamaño: 36.5x27
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1945
Editores: Editor K. Yerinova
Información técnica: [Approved] August 4, 1945; Publication No. 6732; Volume 1 sheet of paper; Price 1 ruble
Ediciones: 20,000
Número de Glavlit: A 18607
En el catologo: PP 478 Industry b
Artista: Vatolina, Nina Nikolaevicha — Ватолина, Нина Николаевна
Nina Vatolina began producing posters in late 1930s and she went to become one of the leading Soviet poster artists of all time. She was a graduate of the Ogiz Technical School for Arts and of the Moscow Art Institute (class of 1942). Vatolina additionally acquired illustration skills from the master poster designer Viktor Deni. In fact, Deni considered Vatolina one of his most talented students. Vatolina married Viktor Deni’s son, Nikolai Denisov. They attended th...
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Imprenta: VAPP (State Supply and Printing Enterprises Administration) Typography, Riga — ВАПП типолитография, Рига
VAPP (State Supply and Printing Enterprises Administration) Typography, Valsts apgādniecību un poligrāfisko uzņēmumu pārvaldes in Latvian was a printing trust created in 1941 with support from the Soviet Union and via Decree of the Latvian SSR People's Council of Commissars. VAPP controlled the stationary (paper) distribution, book selling repositories and nearly all printing and publishing operations within the Latvian SSR. Its headquarters were located at 11 Moskovskaia Street (today Teatrealnaia Street) in Rig...
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Editorial: Iskusstvo (Art Publishing House), Moscow-Leningrad — Искусство, Москва-Ленинград
Iskusstvo was the Art Publishing House (A.K.A. Visual Arts Publishing) that was created in 1936 from Ogiz-Izogiz (State Art and Literature Publishing House). It disseminated books and journals dealing with graphic design and the fine arts, and it issued numerous posters. Since the Iskusstvo banner was part of the State Printing Works in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) and Moscow, its two main offices were located in those two cities.
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