¡Viva el Día del Trabajo Voluntario Comunista del 1 de Mayo! 1 – Mayo - 1920
Número de Cartel: PP 404
Información sobre el cartel: A subbotnik was a "Saturday Volunteer" who worked in the period shortly after the October Revolution to help with public improvement jobs. This poster was printed for the 1920 Moscow subbotnik attended by Lenin. The top of the poster reads: "RSFSR [Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic] Workers of all countries, unite!"
Tamaño: 32x25
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1920
Fuentes: Soviet Posters of the era of the Civil War 1918-1921 by B. S. Butnik-Siverskii (1960), page 354, poster 2111; Kenez, P. (2003). The birth of the propaganda state: Soviet methods of mass mobilization, 1917-1929. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.; Lenin, V. I., & Institut marksizma-leninizma pri CK KPSS Moskva (1963). Polnoe sobranie sočinenij: Tom 42. Izdatelʹstvo političeskoj literatury.
En el catologo: PP 404 Events b
Artista: Mukharskii, Stepan Matveevich — Мухарский, Степан Матвеевич
As an artist and the owner of a typography in Moscow, Stepan Matveevish Mukharskii was very familiar with poster design as well as the method of poster production. His self-produced posters and prints spanned the First World War to the mid-1920s. Some of his noted poster titles include: “Only commanders from the workers and peasants will lead the Red Army to final victory” (1918); “Tsarist soldiers. Soldiers of the Revolution” (1919), “Universal military training [...
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Imprenta: Printer not indicated —
Editorial: Glavpolitput (Main Department of the Commissariat of Transport) — Главполитпуть
Glavpolitput’ was established in February 1919 as an interim political body under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In January 1920, it was reorganized and became part of the Main Political Administration of the People's Commissariat of Railways (NKPS). During the Russian Civil War, Glavpolitput’ was responsible for managing thousands of agitpunkt (agitation point) kiosks in railroad stations.
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