Aseguremos el éxito de la recolección de la cosecha socialista mediante la reparación inmediata de máquinas y equipos agrícolas. “El plan para el calendario de reparaciones, el sistema de trabajo de brigadas, la responsabilidad de cada miembro de la brigada hacia su trabajo, la entrega a tiempo de las reparaciones y la entrega del equipo reparado son los elementos más importantes de una buena organización para la compaña de recolección.”
Número de Cartel: PP 142
Tamaño: 39x28.5
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: 1932
Editores: Editor Krainiuk. Technichal Editor Iakovlev.
Información técnica: Izogiz No. 4261. I. 31. No. 737. Submitted for production May 27, 1932. Approved for printing June 7, 1932. Order No. 91., Standard Format 62 x 88 – Volume 1 sheet of paper. Price 80 kopeks. "Send your comments about this poster to this address Moscow
Ediciones: 30,000
Número de Glavlit: B-21478
En el catologo: PP 142 Agriculture
Artista: Mrachkovskii, I. — Мрачковский, И.
Imprenta: 17th Typo-lithography Workshop of the Poligrafkniga Trust, Moscow — 17-я типография треста Полиграфкниги, Москва
Located in Moscow at 10 Shluzovaia Embankment, this printer was placed under the Moscow branch of the Poligrafkniga (Book and Magazine Printing) Trust. Printing trusts came about in 1921 when the Soviet government consolidated the best printing houses into state-owned trusts. Historically, the printing workshop at Shluzovaia Embankment served the publishing house of Tsentrizdat (Central Publishing House of the Peoples of the USSR). In 1931, Tsentrizdat was dissolved and at that point, the printing house was likely reorganized ...
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Editorial: Ogiz-IzoGiz, Moscow-Leningrad — Огиз-Изогиз, Москва-Ленинград
Ogiz was the Association of the State Book and Magazine Publishers. Its main offices were located in Moscow and in Leningrad. The Sovnarkom of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic established Ogiz in 1930 to centralize publishing activities under a state monopoly in order to eliminate duplication of printed material, streamline and control publishing production and output, and to create a base for marketing books, training and technical manuals. In 1931, the Central Committee of the USSR ...
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