[Este cartel está escrito en español] ¡Tú, obrero! Debes votar por tu partido de clase, el Partido Comunista. Los candidatos de la clase obrera Sección Argentina de la Internacional Comunista
Número de Cartel: PP 560
Información sobre el cartel: Poster is in Spanish language. While this poster was produced in Argentina, its central design is from the 1920 Dmitry Moor (Soviet) poster "What Have You Done For the Front?"
Tamaño: 31.5x23
Tipo de cartel: Litografía
Fecha de publicación: c.1931
Información técnica: An ink stamp on the poster indicates it was "Remitted by the South American Secretary of the Communist International"
En el catologo: PP 560 International
Idioma: Español
Artista: Artist Unknown — неизвестный художник
The artist's name on the poster is not indicated. By assigning Artist Unknown to a poster it also could mean the artist used a chop mark whereby no signature is seen thus rendering the artist's identity anonymous.
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Imprenta: Printer not indicated —
Editorial: Publisher not indicated —