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Moskust Tipolithography

Типолитография Мoскуста

Moskust (Moskovskii kombinirovannyi kust) was a joint-stock company organized at the beginning of the New Economic Policy (NEP) era. It created a clustering of local industries in the Moscow region that were subordinate to the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic (R.V.S.R.). Moskust published and printed its own informational material.


Nenarokov A. P. (1991). Pervoe sovetskoe pravitel'stvo oktabr' 1917-iiul’ 1918. Moskva: Politizdat. (p. 299, organization of Moskust in 1921, cited)
Lenin, V.I., & Institut marksizma-leninizma. (1970). V.I. Lenin: Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Tom 53. Pis'ma iyun'- noyabr' 1921. Moskva: Izdatel'stvo politichekoi literatury. (p. 393, Moskust under the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic)
leonovvaleri.livejournal (Moskust literature and general ephemera cited)