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Typolithography of Pravda Vostoka (Truth of the East), Tashkent

Типо-литография Правда Востока, Ташкент

As the newspaper of the Communist Party of the Turkestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Pravda Vostoka (Truth of the East) began as Turkmenskaia Pravda (Turkmen Truth). In 1924-25, the newspaper name was changed to Pravda Vostoka and its circulation was expanded into Central Asia. Technically, Pravda Vostoka was the Eastern version of the Moscow-based Pravda newspaper.


Drieu, C. (2018). Cinema nation and empire in uzbekistan 1919-1937. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. (Turkenskaia Pravda changes to Pravda Vostoka in 1925)
Gordon, Ia. I. (1988) Fakel na Vostoke: russkie I zarubezhnye pisateli v Tadzhikstane. Dushanbe: Adib. (p. 180, Turkenskaia Pravda changes to Pravda Vostoka in 1924) (Centenary of Pravda Vostoka in 2017)