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Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR

Союз обществ Красного Креста и Красного Полумесяца СССР

As early as 1867, Imperial Russia had a relief society to primarily assist members of the military. In 1921, the International Red Cross recognized the Soviet Red Cross Society of Moscow as the singular Red Cross office in Russia at the time. By 1923, an amalgamation of the Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the USSR took place. The merger incorporated 11 Red Cross societies along with four Red Crescent societies in the Soviet Republics. Activities were administered in accordance with the union’s charter. Local branches had volunteer nurses, health-station personnel, and volunteer public health inspectors. The union participated in the work of the International Red Cross, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and it worked in hospitals of the Soviet Red Cross built in developing nations.


Haug, H., Henry Dunant Institute. (1993). Humanity for all: The International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement. Berne: Haupt. (P. 201, history of Soviet Red Cross and Red Crescent)
Feldbrugge, F. J. M., Berg, G. P. , Simons, W. B. (1985). Encyclopedia of Soviet law. Dordrecht: Nijhoff. (P. 661, formation of societies)
USSR 50. (1972). Moskva: Novosti Press. (P. 168, details on the 14 societies in each SSR)