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Typo-photo-zinc-lithography of the Poligraftrust, Novosibirsk

Типо-фото-цинко-Литография Полиграфтрест, Новосибирск

Little information is available on this printer. It was managed by a state-owned printing trust, and it was a photo-zincography workshop. The process of photo-zincography (a.k.a. zinco) was introduced by the English in the 1850s. Opposed to lithography (using a stone to transfer images on paper), zincography transferred photos to a zinc plate which was inked and applied to paper. Zinc plates were lighter, transported safely, and they permitted faster copying. While photo-zincography and photoengraving replaced lithography and modernized the printing process, by the early 1900s, photo-zincography was obsolete in most parts of the world once photo off-set printing was used for copying images to paper.


Hannavy J. (2008). Encyclopedia of nineteenth-century photography. London: Routledge. (p. 1098, photo-zincography history)
Reed C. A. (2005). Gutenberg in shanghai chinese print capitalism 1876-1937. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (p. 61, printing process history) (photo-zincography history) (photo-zincography history)