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Vsevobuch (Central Board of Universal Military Training) Headquarters


In the spring of 1918, military training was instituted as a compulsory obligation for citizens and it was carried out under Vsevobuch-- the Central Board of Universal Military Training (vseobshchee voenennoe obuchenie). Soviet historians note that during the Russian Civil War, the stability of the rear lines was directly attributed to the implementation of Vsevobuch. Additionally, Vsevobuch made sporting activities a part of society. In 1923, the Central Board was re-organized as a proprietary sports organization of the armed forces. As a result, it controlled the nation's sports clubs and sport societies.


Erickson, J. (2001). The Soviet high command: A military-political history, 1918-1941. London: Frank Cass.
Guttmann, A. (1991). Women's sports: A history. New York: Columbia University Press.
Khan-Magomedov, S. O., Cooke, C., Lieven, A. (1987). Pioneers of Soviet architecture: The search for new solutions in the 1920s and 1930s. New York: Rizzoli. (section on Vsevobuch)
Riordan, J. (1980). Sport in Soviet society: Development of sport and physical education in Russia and the USSR. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.